Going down with Mister Chad
what a month of man-made and natural disasters. Volcanoes, earthquakes, oil rig explosions
and Gordon Browns election campaign to name but a few. The strange thing is, though, its
not really anyones fault. Unless you believe senior Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam
Kazem Sedighi, who told worshippers in On the subject of deity, I am now duly honored to have been given the chance to pay twice daily homage to the Turtle God, a shrine to whom has recently been erected at the new Hadaba roundabout. Whilst it has always been the case for artists to sign their work, to cast ones mobile phone number in bronze for all eternity seems somehow a touch too transient especially given the exigencies of mobile phone operators. Imagine future art critics spouting forth about the aesthetics of the Chelonia Mydas form beautifully crafted in bronze by the artist A.K.A 0106543821. As regular readers of this column may be aware, I am something of a petrol-head and have certainly had my fair share of mechanical failures at rest and at speed. However, nothing Ive been through has come close to the experience of Sebastian Buemi who was doing about 200 mph at the time in his Torro Rosso Formula 1 racing car. It just has to be the quote of the week: "From in the car it was not a problem. I just lost both wheels." Balls of steel, that man. Just dont kiss him pubicly. |